The Twelfth United States Census, conducted by the Census Office on June 1, 1900, determined the resident population of the United States to be 76,212,168, an increase of 21.0 percent over the 62,979,766 persons enumerated during the 1890 Census.
The State of Ohio had a population of 4,157,545, an increase of 13.2%, over the 3,672,316 persons enumerated during the 1890 Census. Ohio had the fourth largest state population of the United States.
Lake County, Ohio, had a population of 21,680, an increase of 18.9% over the 1890 Census.
In 1900, no people were enumerated as “born in Italy” living in Fairport Village.
In 1900, there were 23 people enumerated as “born in Italy” living in Painesville Village. Of these, only 12 were actually born in Italy. To see a list of the Italians enumerated as living in Painesville Village in 1900, click here.
In 1900, there were 34 people enumerated as “born in Italy” living in Painesville Township. Of these, only 30 were actually born in Italy. To see a list of the Italians enumerated as living in Painesville Township, in 1900, click here.